One of our Youth Hope Caseworkers has been working with a family of four boys. They reside with their mother who also works full time. Each young person including the mother suffers from complex mental health issues. The family have received little support prior to Youth Hope involvement and the mother has really struggled to keep her head above water.
Three of the four boys were attending a local high school but due to the complex needs of the young people, the school were not able to fully support the family. This lead to ongoing suspensions as the school could not support the young people with their behaviours.
With the help of NCNS Youth Hope, the three young boys are now attending a new school who are actively supporting the boys with their ongoing mental health issues and behaviours. YH was able to support the mother in purchasing the boys school uniforms and also supporting the school around the complex mental health issues.
The NCNS Youth Hope worker was able to advocate for the support of a YH Health Facilitaor to help address the families complex mental health issues, as well as bringing in the YH education facilitator to further support the boys in their new high school and to act as a positive mentor in the boys lives, as well as offering the family tutoring and in home program work.
NCNS Youth Hope also organised a case conference for the family to get all of the school, mental health services and various specialists on the same page, all working with the mother to forge a shared vision and strategies around how best to support the family long term.
With everything the mother has gone through during the last year she still took the time out to make the Caseworker a lovely cupcake to show her appreciation.