You may be familiar with some of NCNS’ Aboriginal workers, Dave, Trudy, Bronwyn and Donna who are based at our Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre & Werrington Centre. This week they attended the intensive two-day ‘Train the Trainer’ program by Deadly Thinking.
The Train the Trainer course is available to community leaders, elders, health and education workers, providing them with the confidence and essential knowledge required to deliver the Deadly Thinking one-day social and emotional well-being program to the community.
Deadly Thinking is a social and emotional well-being and suicide prevention workshop designed by Indigenous people for Indigenous people.
What does the program consist of?
A one-day workshop during which core social and mental well-being issues are addressed in an open, respectful and comfortable forum.
Topics covered include yarning, risks to mental health, symptoms of anxiety and depression, drug and alcohol misuse, suicide risk and pathways to help.
We are thrilled that our staff were able to participate in this training and we look forward to being able to provide such an important program to our local community.
Check out Deadly Thinking Facebook page here.
For more information about this program please click here.
Information source:
Images source: Deadly Thinking Facebook Page