Tag: mental health
Risky Business Trivia Challenge
As part of the Penrith Youth Interagency (PYI), a working group was established called Risky Business, which is run by local service providers within Penrith with a focus on bringing awareness to Youn...
Read More...NCNS Youth Team promote Mental Health Month at Nepean High School
Mental illness is thought to be an underlying factor in about 90% of all youth suicides, which according to research is the leading cause of youth death in Australia. One of the defining factors for b...
Read More...Mental Health Month Roadshow
Did you know that 1 in 16 young people experience a Depressive Disorder and I in 6 experience an Anxiety condition? http...
Read More...R U OK?
R U OK day is on the 11th September https://www.ruok.org.au It’s all about reaching out to family, friends, workmates or even a stranger, and asking...