Science Day in the Park

The shutdown was challenging for many people in the community, and especially for children who are used to going to school and seeing their friends every day. Not to mention, it was a difficult time for parents, having to help school and entertain kids every day at home, with many also trying to work at the same time. Boredom Busters was created by NCNS Community Worker, Justine in response to Covid-19 restrictions. This program was for primary aged kids via Zoom to provide interactive fun facts, ideas, homework help, activities and to create a place that they can connect with friends in a safe environment.

Since they were unable to meet in person during this period, the NCNS Community team promised the kids from Boredom Busters that they would host something special for them once the restrictions had been lifted, so they came up with the idea of a Science Day at the park. This get together was all about having fun and encouraging the children to create long lasting friendships with each other and connect with NCNS Staff.

During the day the kids got to complete 4 different science experiments that Justine first demonstrated over zoom. When the kids got the chance to do the experiments themselves they were so excited. The team also provided morning tea for the children and parents who attended.

The 4 science experiments were A Mentos and Coke Volcano, Colour Changing Milk, Skittles Rainbox and Dancing Stick Figure. Each child was given a science pack with instructions of how to conduct each experiment. Download instructions here.

On the day, we were able to meet some new families and created new connections. Seeing the smiling faces of both parents and kids, made our day!

The community development team are looking forward to putting together more fun days for kids and their families. Watch this space!



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