Plogging along

Plogging is a Swedish concept of jogging and picking up rubbish. The word comes from the combination of jogging and the Swedish words ‘plocka upp’ meaning ‘to pick up.’

Plogging has become a worldwide phenomenon, so when one of our Cranebrook residents indicated that they were interested in starting a walking group that would also focus on the local environment, our Ploggers group was formed. The group meets each Monday morning at 9:30am at our Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre, rain or shine!

Ploggers Group

Currently we are a group of around six who walk roughly 5km at our own pace. Picking up rubbish is your own choice and is not compulsory for you to be involved in the group.

Ploggers Group

So far, since starting the Ploggers group we have walked around 30km and have picked up around 15 large bags of rubbish. We are amazed at how quickly it all adds up and feel proud that we are doing our part to keep our neighbourhood clean. Not only are we cleaning up but when you think about how often we are bending down and squatting to pick up the rubbish, our legs are getting one heck of a work out!

Ploggers Group

This group is focused on inclusion of all. There is no pressure on how far, how fast or how much, if any, rubbish is collected. Come and join us! We would love to see this group grow. It’s a fantastic way to get fit and help the environment.Ploggers Group Ploggers Group Ploggers Group

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