NCNS Youth Team promote Mental Health Month at Nepean High School

Mental illness is thought to be an underlying factor in about 90% of all youth suicides, which according to research is the leading cause of youth death in Australia. One of the defining factors for better mental health outcomes for youth, is to encourage them to seek help early. The stigma of mental illness held by young people and a lack of awareness can both be barriers to early intervention.Mental Health Month 1

So for Mental Health Month the NCNS Youth Team held a stall at Nepean High School to promote Mental Health in Young People. We also had a photo booth on the day which was a success. We had approximately 60 Young People approach our table to get flyers & information plus get a photo taken with their friends. A lot of the Young People that spoke to staff mentioned that they all knew someone in their lives whether it was a parent, aunt, brother or a friend with mental health issues. There also seemed to be a particular interest around suicide and getting enough sleep for your mental health. Other students took information for their relatives and friends. The event was in partnership with the School Counsellor and through this partnership we are possibility looking at working with young girls in year 9 around self esteem and self image. Overall it was a successful event for the NCNS Youth Team and it was great to partner with Nepean High School. Hope to do it all again next year in 2016.Mental Health Month 2


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