The theme for National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day was ‘We are elders of tomorrow, Hear our voice.’ This is an important event to engage families in culture and to reconnect.
NCNS Aboriginal Early Childhood Worker, Amy explained, “The day is about children having a voice, it’s about our Elders, listening to their stories, song lines, art and invaluable knowledge and this being passed onto our children, who are our future leaders.”
The day started with an Acknowledgment to Country by nine year old Jay. It was a beautiful way to connect with the children and families, coming from a young boy who is still learning about his culture. The other children were really listening to, and embraced Jay’s acknowledgment and this made Jay feel really proud.
It was a calm, interactive day where a small group of community had the chance to catch up after a long time between groups and events due to Covid-19.
The activities we chose were about connecting with nature. There was mud play, sensory play and native plants from Early Childhood Worker, Zoe’s garden.
We had an amazing performance from the Kooly Deadly Kids Dance Group.
Some of the children got to be back up musical instrument players and you could see the joy in their faces as they played.
For all of our Aboriginal Services, including Kooly Deadly Kids Dance Group & our Aboriginal Supported Playgroups please click here.