Kooly Culture Day sees young children connect with culture through engaging sensory activities!

On Friday 15th September our Early Childhood Team held an entertaining Culture Day at our Aboriginal Child & Family Centre at Cranebrook.

We had the pleasure of having Erin Wilkins from Yanmala Cultural Education who provided an interactive experience for the children who attended the day. Yanmala Cultural Education works in the Western Sydney region educating and promoting Aboriginal Culture. They have ‘programs designed to engage children in a culturally safe learning environment using sensory and tactile resources and activities to develop cognitive, fine, and gross motor skills.’

Erin introduced herself, explained who she was, and the mums & children created a circle and introduced themselves and what tribe they are from which was a great moment for connection.

Erin read a dreaming story ‘Kootear The Echidna’ by Cindy & Adam Laws engaging the children in the story, talking about all the animals.

After the story, the children moved onto making their own echidnas from clay. They collected their own sticks and used match sticks for the spikes.

The children learnt how to dance like the animals.

After the parade of echidnas were completed, Erin asked the kids ‘Why do Aboriginal people wear ochre?’ Some replied, for dance. Erin explained why Aboriginal people wore ochre including for ceremonies, Sorry Business and dance.

The children painted their hands with ochre and placed their handprints on a Kooly Kids poster.

After the day, NCNS Aboriginal Child & Family Worker, Zoe Simpson, received a call from one of the mums who attended with her son. She told Zoe that her son came home from the day and spoke to his Dad and all of his relatives about the day non-stop! We love hearing this!

“The highlight for me was seeing the children’s face light up, listening and taking it all in. Hearing the children laugh and be so engaged was a wonderful thing to experience.” Zoe Simpson, NCNS Aboriginal Child & Family Worker

For more information about Yanmala Cultural Education please click here.  To find out more about NCNS Aboriginal programs please click here.

Click here to view Kooly Culture Day Gallery.

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