Functional Family Therapy – Child Welfare (FFT-CW)

Functional Family Therapy – Child Welfare

A new high impact (evidence-based) out-of-home care placement prevention and breakdown solution.

Based on the core principles of Functional Family Therapy (FFT), the evidence-based model Functional Family Therapy – Child Welfare (FFT-CW®) has been specifically developed for families with children and young people (0-17) at risk of being removed from care. FFT-CW® is designed to improve family dynamics, communication and supportiveness while decreasing intense negativity and dysfunctional patterns of behaviour. NCNS is excited to be a part of the roll out of FFT-CW in Penrith.

The goals of FFT-CW® are the engage and motivate kids and their families by decreasing negative behaviours such as blaming and hopelessness. Rather than ignoring or being paralysed by intense negative experiences (e.g.. Cultural isolation and racism, loss and deprivation, abandonment, abuse, depression), FFT-CW® acknowledges and incorporates these powerful emotional forces into successful engagement and motivation through respect, sensitivity and positive reattribution techniques.

Provided over a course of 3 – 6 months, FFT-CW® consists of five modules: (1. Engagement, 2. Motivation, 3. Relational Assessment, 4. Behaviour Change, 5. Generalisation). Each module builds upon the previous and includes specific techniques of intervention, as well therapist goals and qualities. The intervention involves a strong cognitive/attributional component integrated into systemic skill-training in family communication, parenting, conflict management, and numerous other skills linked to a variety of syndromes and referral problems.

Objective 1: Engagement & Motivation

– Motivate them to change
– Continue with therapy

Objective 2: Change Problem Behaviour

– Change the intra-family process
– Change the presenting problem

Objective 3: Generalise Change



FaCS referrals only, please contact for more information.


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