NAIDOC Cup 2016 – Friendship, Sportsmanship, Respect

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On 24th June we celebrated NAIDOC Cup with 750 children from 21 schools in the Penrith area. With teachers, family and friends – we had well over 1000 people celebrating a great day.

NAIDOC Cup is a combined sports gala day that celebrates Aboriginal achievement in all forms. It provides an important day on the school calendar for Aboriginal kids and their friends to get together for sport, respect, achievement and culture.

NCNS Aboriginal staff are often approached in the community by kids wanting to know when NAIDOC Cup is going to be this year! For them (and us too!), its one of the best days of the school year.

This year we also had a record number of parents, carers, and grandparents there to join be enjoy the day with their kids.

Though the wind was blowing hard, it could not diminish a great day.

We started with Uncle Wes providing our Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. Then the Oztag & Netball comps got underway.

Our Joey’s (Stage 1 & 2 children) enjoyed a round-robin of Traditional Indigenous Games; Aboriginal Cultural dance and culture with Uncle Perry; and then Aboriginal art and craft activities.

The Reading Tent was a lovely warm place to hang out when it all got too much!

We loved the respectful spirit in which all the teams played and we congratulate this year’s NAIDOC Cup winning schools…..

Netball Seniors – Werrington Public

Netball Juniors – Penrith Public

Oztag Seniors – Samuel Terry Public

Oztag Juniors – Braddock Public

We also acknowledge and thank our financial partners – Nepean Blue Mountains PHN and Australian Unity.

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