Celebrating the kids of Cranebrook this Children’s Week

Children’s week celebrates the right of Children to enjoy childhood, and at the same time promotes and raises awareness of the needs, rights and achievements. This year’s theme was based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 24: Children have the right to good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that they will stay healthy.

Immediately when I hear the word healthcare, my thoughts go straight to physical health; things like dental appointments, seeing an optometrist , going to doctor’s appointments however,  healthcare does not only include an individual’s physical health, it also includes their mental health. For good mental health, it is important for children to be able to play, to create, to discover and to explore.

With this in mind, NCNS’ Cranebrook Children’s day event was packed with all sorts of activities for children and their families to investigate and take part in. A highlight for children who attended this year’s event were the super cute animals of the petting zoo as well as the fun of the Tumbletown Play Centre.

Other activities included different forms of construction, art and craft, a seed planting table, and a huge variety of sensory activities. We also made sure to have a healthy snack area set up with fruit and veggies, sandwiches and cold water.

NCNS Early Childhood Worker, Zoe Harris was in charge of coordinating this year’s Children’s week event in Cranebrook. Zoe remembers attending her first children’s week event in 2012, organised by Penrith City Council.  So now, Zoe is not only an expert at organising NCNS’ Children’s Week events but it is something that she is passionate about. When I asked Zoe why we do this event each year she explained, “There are children’s week events happening all over the Penrith LGA during Children’s Week and NCNS want to ensure that our Cranebrook Community also have the opportunity to be involved. We know it can be difficult to access events in other suburbs. It is an opportunity for all different aspects of our community that have, or are involved with young children, to be together. We have lots of local families (and visitors) attend, we also have the local child care centre and primary school (kindy kids) attend. Cranebrook High School send their students who are studying child care to help on the day as well as other local organisations. It is a great way of everyone getting to know each other and play together.”

Pictured above: NCNS Early Childhood Worker, Zoe Harris

On the day, we had some great support from local services, so we would like to say a massive thank you to Penrith City Council, SRAC, Breakthru, Barnardos, Lifestart and Community Health. A big thank you to the students from Cranebrook High for your help, and to the teachers and staff from Braddock Public School, Cranebrook High School and Tamara Childcare Centre for organising the students to visit.

NCNS Early Childhood Worker, Zoe Harris expressed that, “it was just so special to see everyone; children, parents, teachers and services all having a great time together and most importantly celebrating and acknowledging all of the wonderful children in our local community.”

If you would like to get in touch with our Early Childhood Team, please contact 02 4729 3907 or info@nepeancommunity.org.au

For all of our children and family programs, please click here.

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