Food and Material Aid Supports available for the Public Dec 2023- Jan 2024 4.0
On the 17th July 2023, we participated in an engaging event, Mapping Economic Disadvantage in Western Sydney – Nepean Blue Mountains Presentation and sector discussion on poverty and disadvantage in Nepean Blue Mountains, to shed light on poverty and disadvantage in the Nepean Blue Mountains region. Hosted by Western Sydney Community Forum (WSCF) and NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) at our South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre, the event brought together passionate individuals committed to addressing these pressing issues.
Under the skilful guidance of MC, Joshua Bird from WSCF, the event featured informative presentations by respected speakers:
?️ Shravan Guntuku – WSCF
?️ Joanna Quilty – NCOSS
?️ Joy Impiombato – NCNS
Drawing from the insightful “Mapping Economic Disadvantage in NSW” report and 2016-2021 Census data, the discussions provided valuable insights into poverty rates and their impact on specific groups within the Nepean Blue Mountains region.
The event fostered collaboration and collective brainstorming to identify practical strategies and advocate for policy changes. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their valuable contributions and unwavering commitment to building a more inclusive community.
(02) 9687 9669
(02) 9211 2599
(02) 4721 8520
NCNS has been incredibly fortunate to be friends with the amazing people at Burton Snowboards. They have a great initiative called the CHILL program – each year they take a group of Aboriginal kids to the snow to experience snowboarding. Chill is focused on taking kids who may not have had the privilege of being able to experience snowboarding ever before. The CHILL program provides Aboriginal young people with a long weekend at the snow, and it’s the complete, full experience – great equipment, great accommodation, awesome instructors, lift passes for all the runs at Thredbo.
So in early September, 14 Aboriginal young people and 4 NCNS Aboriginal Youth Mentors and our Aboriginal Team Leader Bron, got to go TO THE SNOW!!!
The young people were offered the opportunity to attend based on two criteria – participation and respect. Respect being the number one rule of our culture. Learning to snowboard was easy for some and harder for others. But Ash and Lucas from Burton had everyone snowboarding by the end of the first day. The NCNS Aboriginal Youth mentors worked with the young people on the slopes, encouraging them to keep going when it all felt too hard.
The students loved hanging with Ash and Lucas because they were allowed to try new things, and a few trick moves, and were so much fun to be around.
On the final day, the group went way up the mountain – this hill was bigger than what they were used to, and they just went with it. We were so proud of their courage and their willingness to try. They didn’t give up and when they fell, they just got straight back up and kept trying. To see the kids thrive on the experience – finding resilience and strength in their new abilities, learning to keep trying, and finding the rewards of not giving up.
They were respectful, didn’t leave anyone behind, they looked out for one another, and they all made new friendships, tried different things, and didn’t complain once. Thanks to Burton and the Chill program. And well done Kooly Snowboard crew! ?
What this year’s Children’s Day theme My Dreaming, My Future means…
This year, Children’s Day is about asking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children what Dreaming means to them, learning how they interpret this in their lives and identity, and hearing what their aspirations are for the future.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are born into stories of their family, culture, and Country. They carry with them the songlines of their ancestors and culture, passed down by generations. Their Dreaming is part of our history, while their futures are their own to shape.”
“This Children’s Day, we are asking our children what Dreaming means to them, learning how they interpret this in their lives and identity and hearing what their aspirations are for the future.” (SNAICC)
At NCNS we had two very brave students speak about what Children’s Day means to them. Angus and Jazara pictured below, thank you for being brave and sharing with everyone.
We also had plenty of activities from sand pits & castles, potting plants, playdoh, colouring into engage the kid in.
With a very special visit from Reptiles Up Close as a surprise for the kids.
If you missed out on celebrating this year, the 2022 activity is still available to you online at or use the image below.
Parents Corner
How To Give Instructions Your Child Will Follow
30th June 2022
Every day, well intentioned parents communicate important messages to their children. The problem is that not all messages are received in ways we anticipate. Communication is a complex process and a skill we often need to work at no matter how old we are.
These tips will help you get your message across and enjoy a more stress-free family life.
• Gather your child’s full attention: Make sure you are no further than an arm’s distance and address your child by name first. Make sure that they are not doing anything else like playing with a toy or watching TV.
• Give instructions about what you want your child to do, rather than what not to do: Think about moving from ‘STOP’ to ‘START’ instructions. For example, instead of saying, “don’t play with the ball inside”, try “please take the ball into the backyard and play outside”.
• Be specific about what you expect: Spell out exactly what needs to happen next and avoid judgmental and vague language. For example, instead of saying, “don’t be so lazy”, try “please put your dishes in the sink after you’ve finished eating”.
• Always consider age and stage of development: For an instruction to be followed, it must be appropriate to that child’s age and stage. Consider the type and number of words you use.
• Break larger tasks into smaller steps: This is especially true of younger children. “Get ready for bed” refers to following a sequence of several steps: pack away your toys, change into your pyjamas, brush your teeth and so on.
Think about prompting children by giving one to two steps at a time.
• If your child follows an instruction, praise them: When you show children appreciation for what they do right, this reinforces good habits.
When instructions are unclear, children (and parents) can easily become overwhelmed and frustrated. When parents use calm, clear and developmentally appropriate instructions, this supports children’s growth and development.
Article Written + Submitted by
Monica Purcell | Family Facilitator
Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services
Parents Corner – May Edition
Infant Mental Health Awareness Week: What Do Babies Need Most?
Babies have long been misunderstood. When the field of psychology emerged in the early twentieth century, the earliest psychologists thought maybe infants just needed a reliable food source. Later, psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth first sketched out the idea of “attachment”. Attachment refers to an infant’s need to connect emotionally with their primary caregiver.
Babies know they are at the mercy of an adult to have their needs met. In the first 18 months of life, infants cannot even carry themselves from one place to another, let alone feed themselves! Babies communicate by facial expressions and movements. These “cues” signal an unmet need. For example, a baby may jerk its body and pucker its lips when it needs the breast or bottle.
Article Written + Submitted by
Monica Purcell | Family Facilitator
Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services
The admin team started off 2021 back in the centre and really enjoyed being back working together in the office and seeing community. We were thrilled that we were able to get through our massive NAIDOC Cup event in June this year, that we missed out on in 2020 due to lockdown. This is a big job for our team with lots of planning involved to make sure the day is wonderful for everyone. The kids from our community got to enjoy this huge event which was a massive highlight for us this year and shortly after we found ourselves in lockdown again. Our staff adjusted quickly, having done this in the previous year and moved some of our programs to being delivered online.
The length of this lockdown was tough on all of us, especially the anxiety of not knowing exactly when we would be able to go out again. Not being able to work together as a team was difficult and we really missed working in person with our community. We did our best to keep connected online but nothing beats good old-fashioned face to face connection.
It was amazing to be able to finally get back in the centre in November and seeing community start come through our centres again. It was especially heart-warming for our admin team to see our Golden Oldies Seniors group who meet at South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre, be able to come back together after months of lockdown. They were so excited to get out and about and catch up with their friends.
The admin team are hopeful that we may be able to return to some sort of normality when we come back to the office next year. We want to wish our community a safe, happy and merry Christmas and we hope that you have a relaxing time with your loved ones over Christmas and New Year. We look forward to seeing you all again in 2022!
NCNS Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre would like to wish everyone a beautiful Christmas and a Safe New Year.
The hardest challenge we faced in lockdown was not being able to run all our programs online. This was hard as we normally would see everyone face to face and have those one-on-one yarns with community.
The good thing that came out of lockdown was being able to spend more time with Family. This is always priceless.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all back in the new year with some exciting new programs and the continuation of our existing programs.
The staff here at Kooly wish you all a Safe and Merry Christmas. Enjoy every minute with your loved ones and see you Black & Deadly People in the New Year.
Merry Christmas from our Families to Your Family. Bring on 2022!!
All of us from the Communities and Children team want to wish you a happy and relaxed holiday season. It’s been a pleasure spending time with you all this year, we missed those of you who couldn’t join us online and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. We hope the year ahead holds many happy moments for you all!
As with everyone in 2021, the NCNS FFT-CW team had a rollercoaster of a year. It had certainly begun with a brighter outlook than 2020 did, however, the Covid red flags were out and waving by mid-year, and we found ourselves dusting off masks, refreshing our bottles of sanitiser and calling all our clients with the not so joyful news that we could be returning to virtual sessions. With the families that we had already met and begun counselling with, doing sessions via phone or Zoom was tiresome, but not impossible. In fact, we’d go so far as to say we did some damn fine work with them, and they learned some new skills, and made some great shifts, so that by the end of six months, there was something to celebrate. Yet the families that were referred to us by DCJ after the hard lockdown had started, were experiencing so many extra challenges brought about by isolation and extra financial stress, that they found it hard to also engage with FFT-CW counselling. So, we took the view of acceptance, and that we were all simmering in the lockdown stew together, families, counsellors, colleagues, our own families, pets and friends. As far as doing FFT work, this meant that instead of being highly energetic and persistent and doing lots of intense sessions, we mixed it up and we connected via low stress phone calls and short Zoom sessions. And as a team, we met regularly on the screen each week. We took it in turns to tell bad jokes, swap coping skills, commiserate on the rough days and celebrate where we could, altogether, as a unit. It was good to see our NCNS colleagues on monthly Zoom calls as well. Ah! And we recruited and onboarded two new staff in lockdown, and we’re so pleased to welcome Christy (covering the Lithgow area) and Wendy (joining the Penrith team). Needless to say, we are looking forward to some rest over the holiday period and wish everyone peace and joy.
We here at CTG want to wish all our Mob a safe and happy holiday season. This year has not been without its challenges for us all but having the opportunity to work with you all through this difficult time has made it all worth it for us. We are always in awe of the resilience of the community we work with to overcome all the daily health challenges thrown at them in the middle of a pandemic and still have time for a light-hearted laugh and to pass down your knowledge with a good yarn. We truly do take inspiration from you all and you make this job worthwhile for us. we look forwarded to catching up with you and doing it all again in 2022. Stay deadly.
The NCNS Communities & Children team celebrated Reconciliation Week within our Breakfast Club, Cranebrook Kids & Kingswood Park Kids groups, Cambridge Park Playgroup & School, and Braddock Playtime Playgroup.
For the start of Reconciliation Week, NCNS Community Development Workers, Justine & Nada spent lunchtime doing Reconciliation Week activities with K-2 Students from Cambridge Park Public School!
On Tuesday 1st June, our Cranebrook Kids group facilitated by NCNS Community Worker, Nada enjoyed reflecting on what reconciliation means to them and how they can be part of the healing journey!
We did various activities throughout our Breakfast Club at Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre each morning.
Our adorable kids from Braddock Playtime Playgroup enjoyed doing some Reconciliation Week colouring in and art activities!
We have loved listening to conversations, stories and community who have shared knowledge and information with each other.
A highlight for Justine this week was having the privilege of working with Aboriginal School Leaders in Cambridge Park who have been involved in planning the activities for Reconciliation Week and have been able to provide non Aboriginal students with a deeper insight into Aboriginal culture.
One of these activities has been constructing 3 reflection trees situated at the front of the school.
The children have drawn, weaved and beaded for the trees. During this time they have shared stories about how they experience their culture in their daily lives.
We decided to put solar lights on the trees so that if students pass them at night, they will remember what they have learnt, their experience while making the trees and share this with their families.
Justine explained, “I was blown away when one of the students who helped create the tree, asked their mum to stop on the way home from soccer training so that they could take a photo of the tree and send it to me!
The mother told me how proud her child was of the tree they had helped create. The student told their mother about their friend’s Aboriginal culture and how their friend is learning how to paint from their grandmother. This happened when the tree was only at stage one, so even when it hadn’t been completed it provoked a conversation within this child’s family.
We hope these trees will remind students when they walk past, what they have learnt and prompt further conversations with each other in the future!”
In 2013 Jean Hailes, a national not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to improving women’s health ran the first national Women’s Health Week with an aim to make good health a priority.
Why is there Women’s Health Week you may ask, well women are known for being great at caring for those around them but can often forget to take care of themselves having detrimental effects on their physical and mental health. So, during the first week of September each year, the Women’s Health Week encourages women to put themselves first for a week!
Each day of the week, they covered a different topic with Monday focusing on ‘Silent topics’ such as period pain, heavy periods, endometriosis and itchy vulvas. Tuesday was about happier hormones, Wednesday concentrated on Mental Health, Thursday centred on Pelvic Power and the final day, Friday talked about being “Wired & Tired.” The Women’s Health Week website has some amazing resources about Women’s Health, as does the Jean Hailes website, I would absolutely recommend taking the time to check them out! As I browsed the pages of the website, I found myself picking up different pieces of information that I had never knew or even thought about before.
Scroll to the bottom of this blog for some links that we thought may be useful!
This year, Jean Hailes conducted their fourth annual Women’s Health Survey with over 15,000 women 18 and over, living in Australia responding to the survey.
Some highlighted results of the Women’s Health survey that stood out for me where that:
- 8% of women surveyed described themselves as overweight or obese
- 1% of women who responded had been diagnosed with depression or anxiety by a doctor or psychologist
- 3% reported not getting time to themselves on a weekly basis
- 9% of women surveyed could not afford to see a health professional when they need one
- 9% of women surveyed first seek information by searching the internet when they have a health concern
- Fact sheets and face to face education were the most popular ways to receive health information
- The top 5 health topics women wanted to know more about included; weight management, healthy eating/nutrition/ mental and emotional health, anxiety and menopause.
For the full report please click here.
With NCNS having 3 women’s groups, we felt that it would be beneficial to hold a Women’s Health Day open to all women in the local area, giving them an opportunity to have face to face education about women’s health in a familiar setting.
So, on Tuesday 4th September at our Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre, we had guest speakers from local services come out and speak to the women of our local community. We would like to thank the folks from Uniting, Terry White Chemist, Penrith Women’s Health Centre and Barnardos for the wealth of knowledge and information that you offered on the day and providing an opportunity to link those who attended to services that they may have never otherwise known were available to them. The purpose of the day was not only to provide information but to help the ladies feel comfortable approaching local services when they need some help.
With cost being a barrier for many women when seeking help from a professional, it was fantastic to find many services available that were either free of charge or with minimal cost. We hope that these women, now armed with valuable information can spread their newly acquired knowledge to their family, friends and other members of the community making sure that good health is priority for everyone!
Useful links:
Understanding Endometriosis
Period Pain Symptom Diary
Booklet: The Vulva
Monday: Silent Topics
Tuesday: Happier Hormones
Wednesday: The ‘Me’ in mental health
Thursday: Pelvic Power
Friday: Wired & Tired
At the end of last year, with Christmas quickly approaching, we couldn’t help but think of the many community members who may be alone or have nowhere to go to enjoy a Christmas meal. While looking for local services that served meals during the holiday period we came across Mama Lana’s Community Foundation (MLCF) who serve Christmas lunch and dinner to homeless or disadvantaged community members in the Penrith area. They were after donations, so we decided to ask all our staff to donate anything they could and bring them along to our own staff Christmas Party. Once collected we were able to drop off a whole bunch of nonperishable goods, drinks and snacks to contribute to this Christmas feast for those less fortunate than ourselves.
This is when we first found out about MLCF. Little did we know, how much they really do for the homeless in our area; not just during holiday periods but every week of the year. MLCF is a not for profit, run by Roger and Lana Borg, created when they both realised the great need in our area to help feed the homeless and underprivileged. They serve hot meals, SIX nights a week to the homeless and/or disadvantaged. Not only do they supply food, but they supply toiletry packs, clothing, sleeping bags, swags and blankets! What an amazing foundation!!!
This year Mama Lana’s have opened their own little white house located at 56 Woodriff St in Penrith where they serve free hot meals, sandwiches, dessert, tea, coffee and hot Milo Mon – Saturday from 7:30pm. The new place is also open on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s 10am till 4pm for breakfast, tea, coffee, hot showers, change of clothes and clothes washing facilities.
Last month Justine, NCNS Community Development Worker came across a post on the Mama Lana’s Facebook page asking for anyone who might be able to donate a sewing machine to make reusable/ washable bags that they could use to transport produce.
Our Make Time Women’s Group, who have previously sewn Chemo bags for cancer patients, jumped at the opportunity and were keen to start sewing handmade bags.
Amy from MLCF came over to our Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre just as we were ending our daily Brekky Club; a program that provides meals to children who may otherwise go without. Families also come along to our Brekky Club. It has become a place for community to come to, where they can feel safe and valued and we can really connect while sharing a meal.
On any given night in Australia 1 in 200 people are homeless; over 28,000 Australians in New South Wales are experiencing homelessness due to financial difficulties, accommodation issues, domestic violence and relationship issues, mental health issues and substance abuse issues so we feel that it is so important that organisations like MLCF and programs like our Brekky Club continue to be supported.
As a grassroots organisation it really warms our heart to see the ladies come together to contribute to a much-needed cause in their community. When Amy greeted the women’s group, the ladies were already in action with a production line of ladies ironing handles, cutting patterns, sewing all the pieces together as well as baking cupcakes in the kitchen to donate along with the reusable bags.
After letting the ladies know more about what MLCF does and why they do it, Amy collected 10 bags that they had already completed and took them to the MLCF meal service that night where each bag found a new home and those who received the bags admired the workmanship.
The handmade bags are also used to pack personal items for crisis hampers that are given to women who have fled their homes from domestic violence. They have also been used as library bags.
This month the women’s group also took a bus trip to Mama Lana’s new premises to bring donations of bags and baked goods. Tracey from MLCF gave an informative tour that was certainly an eye-opening experience.
If you are interested getting involved or donating to Mama Lana’s, you can check out their Donation Request list here, contact them directly on 0407 909 447 or check out the Mama Lana’s Community Foundation website.
If you would like to get involved in our Women’s Group, please contact Justine on 02 4729 0442 or
Haven’t done your tax yet? Don’t fret!
You may be eligible to get your tax done for FREE with our tax help volunteer!
What is the Tax Help Program?
Tax Help is a network of ATO-trained and accredited community volunteers who provide a free and confidential service to help people complete their tax returns online using myTax.
How can a volunteer help you?
– Help lodge your tax return
– Help with an amendment online
– Claim a refund of franking credits
– Complete non-lodgement advice (if it turns out you don’t need to lodge a tax return)
Am I eligible?
You are eligible for Tax Help if your income is around $60,000 or less for the income year and you did not:
– work as a contractor, for example a contract cleaner or taxi driver
– run a business, including as a sole trader
– have partnership or trust matters
– sell shares or an investment property
– own a rental property
– have capital gains tax (CGT)
– receive royalties
– receive distributions from a trust, other than a managed fund
– receive foreign income, other than a foreign pension or annuity.
We have appointments available with our Tax Help Volunteer on selected Fridays between 9am – 12:30pm at South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre.
To book your appointment contact 02 4721 8520. There are limited spots available so bookings are essential.
Before your appointment
Please make sure to have the below ready to bring with you:
– your myGov user ID and password
– your bank account details (BSB and account number)
– your tax file number
– an original or amended notice of assessment from any one of the last five years
– income statements from all sources
– all your receipts for gifts, donations and work-related expenses
– details of any child support payments made
– details of any losses on investments in shares and rental properties (net investment losses)
– details of your spouse’s (married or de-facto) taxable income or a reasonable estimate if you had a spouse at any time during the financial year.
– proof of identity documents (Driver’s licence, passport, Centrelink CRN, Birth Certificate)
If you are not eligible, please go to or call 13 28 61 for more information about your tax return.
Information from
Are you tired of mundane exercise routines? Are you looking for a class that is gentle, fun and exciting?
Well, we have great news, we have a belly dancing class just for you!
Belly dancing can not only improve your physical health and promote self-confidence, it can help to relieve stress in a supportive, friendly and safe environment. A different way to burn calories, belly dancing can be great for toning the upper arms, exercising abdominal muscles, strengthening ankles, sculpting legs and is an activity accepting of all body types! Not your ordinary exercise class, the ladies belly dancing class is modest, yet the ladies are able to get glam with beautiful, jingling hip scarfs and veils.
We interviewed Catherine O’Brien, Ghawazi Caravan troupe member, who facilitates the ladies belly dancing class at South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre.
What is your belly dancing background?
I am a long-time member of performance troupe Ghawazi Caravan from the Blue Mountains and I dance with them regularly.
How long have you been belly dancing?
Just over 20 years now (gee, time flies, doesn’t it?)
What type of belly dancing do you teach?
I teach a combination of traditional oriental style belly dance and tribal style belly dance, which is an eclectic mix of Oriental, Folkloric, Flamenco and Classical Indian styles.
How long have you been teaching the class at South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre?
Since October 2016
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I’m actually very shy 🙂
What made you want to run a belly dancing class in a community setting?
I was asked to do a “taster” class for a Seniors Week event and the weekly class evolved from there. I really enjoy providing a worthwhile activity for women from the local community that is beneficial in so many ways, i.e. generally low impact, gentle physical exercise which stimulates the mind at the same time, and of course creating a safe, friendly place for like-minded women to meet and make new friends. I believe this is in keeping with the philosophy of the Neighbourhood Centre, which also provides an easily accessible space for the class.
How would you describe this class?
It is a fun relaxed class of lovely women who are happy to be themselves and enjoy having fun! We do a gentle warm up, followed by learning some fundamental belly dance movements, then we often learn a sequence of movements or a choreography, then end with a gentle cool down. We always have a bit of a laugh along the way!
What do you love about the class that you have currently?
Mostly the lovely ladies who come along! They make the experience so wonderful and worthwhile! The continuous support of the lovely staff from the Neighbourhood Centre is also very much appreciated.
What do the ladies who attend enjoy most about this class?
I think the ladies enjoy the comradery and the relaxed fun nature of the class – we all love to have a laugh and connect with one another.
Who would you recommend this class to?
All women who are looking for something a little different to get a bit of exercise, be active in both mind and body and make new friends at the same time!
If you are interested in joining this class, you are more than welcome to come along to get a taste on Mondays 12:30 – 1:30pm or contact Catherine on 0416 199 842.
On Tuesday 7th August our Make Time Women’s Group took a well deserved break from sewing and indulged in a pamper day.
Some visitors from Uniting came along to talk about their service in the area and also brought a wonderful morning tea and some lucky door prizes. The ladies enjoyed a lovely massage from Cameo Skin Fitness.
Make Time Women’s Group is
Check out the ladies enjoying the pamper day below:
Due to our local area having a large Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community, as well as NCNS being a bicultural organisation with many Aboriginal workers, National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (NATSICD) is a significant day for us to celebrate. Each year we make sure to honour our future leaders in connection to their culture and community, and to highlight their strengths with an event at our Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre.
The day was an opportunity for the community to come together, connect with each other, share and learn about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Culture. With over 90 community members coming along on the day to show their support, it was a great display of the proud Aboriginal community that we have.
NCNS runs an Aboriginal girls and boys dance group, Walan Mahlee, each Friday at our Kooly centre, that gives young people an opportunity to embrace their culture and to learn traditional Aboriginal dance. For NATSICD, Walan Mahlee showcased traditional Aboriginal dance for the audience, who enjoyed their performance so much that some even joined them on the dance floor. We loved seeing everyone get involved and having a great time with our amazing and talented Aboriginal young people.
Children engaged in cultural activities such as storytelling, drawing symbols in the sand, as well as using natural items and native materials during play. The face painters were a massive hit with the kids, we loved seeing their magically painted faces in every direction that we looked. The children had a ball taking photos in our photobooth showcasing their beautifully painted faces with their family and friends. Their eyes lit up as they saw the photos print out of the photobooth and they got to take away a memento of the day, a wonderful reminder that they are cherished and celebrated!
Tracie Harris shared her favourite cultural items with the group which included a beautiful Turtle shell.
A highlight of the day was hearing songs in Wiradjuri language, by Sharon Williams who is a proud Koori women and member of the NCNS Board. To hear her beautiful voice in language, was such a treat for us and we would like to give a massive shout out to her for being so courageous and giving us her time on the day.
We would also like to thank all of the community who came along on the day and helped us to celebrate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children who are our future and carriers of our stories.
Although the day is over, NCNS will continue to celebrate our Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children through our many cultural programs. To find out more about our Aboriginal programs click here.
On a chilly Wednesday morning, we sat down with NCNS parenting facilitator Narelle Smith, to find out more about her role at NCNS, Triple P Parenting and of course a bit more about herself while she warmed her toes by the heater.
What is your role at NCNS?
Family Worker (22 hours per week) and Student Well being worker (5 hours per week at a school).
How long have you been practising in the community?
22 years!
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
The alarm and having to do the kids lunch boxes.
How would you describe your day job to a child?
I work with lots of parents talking to them about what their kids need.
What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?- Raising 3 beautiful boys
– Delivering Triple P parenting for 9 years
What does a typical day look like for you and what are you currently working on?
I do some individual parenting work, I do some Triple P parenting groups and I teach Second Step (social emotional learning program) at school.
What three words would you use to describe your role?
Interesting, interesting and interesting!
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
I read widely; people who are leaders in the field of psychology, neuroscience, child development; anyone that does the research and is evidence based.
My clinical supervisor keeps me sane.
What do you like most about your job?
Seeing parents take on the strategies, apply them in their family life and reap the rewards for their hard work. I love changing the trajectory of children’s lives and creating hope.
What is your motto or personal mantra?
“Keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”
Credit Rudyard Kipling
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Crochet. I am hopeless at it!
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
BREATHE and yoga!
What three traits define you?
Persistent, resourceful and honest.
What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
Landscape gardener or environmentalist.
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us.
I am a beekeeper!
What did you want to be when growing up?
When I was at school, I wanted to be a school teacher, but my parents wouldn’t support me to go onto year 12 so I did try to do a teaching degree as an adult. I was bad at the curriculum stuff but good at the social and emotional stuff, so I did not continue with my teaching degree. I have done other degrees.
What phobias do you have?
I hate rats, mice and enclosed spaces.
What has been your favourite project at NCNS?
I have very fond memories of working in Kingswood Park, running playgroup, running an expressive arts group after school and several other community projects like Hearts for Healthy Relationships, Grandparent’s day, Father’s Day breakfast, When We Were Kids project and DrumBeat!
And the ADHD work, working with parents and children, creating the posters with Rachel and creating more awareness of ADHD and debunking the myths!
What is the best thing about Triple P Parenting?
It works if you use it!
Why would you recommend it to parents?
It has a strong focus on building relationships and encouraging new skills and behaviours.
How is it different to other parenting programs?
It is holistic.
Who would you recommend Triple P to?
The whole world!
Can you give an example of how Triple P can change someone’s life?
Triple P gives parents a toolbox of tools that they can use every day with their kids.
Describe the impact that Triple P has on families?
It makes family life and parenting more positive and more enjoyable.
What tips would you give to parents who are struggling with their children?
– Change your focus to pay attention to your child’s desirable behaviour
– Use descriptive praise
– Stop calling your children ‘naughty’ and ‘bad.
– If the behaviour is predictable, its preventable.
Narelle has an amazing blog with heaps of useful information for parents. Click here
For out latest parenting programs click here.
This July our School Holiday Program was a success with around 13 young people attending each day of the program. Youth had their pick of an exciting array of activities including an outing to Hoyts see Incredibles 2 , roller blading, visiting the reptile park, a Horror Movie Night at our Kooly centre, a trip to Fagan Park, Code Red and Aerialize where they learnt new skills such as aerial, trapeze and Lyra, with Aerialize and Hoyts being the stand out this term.
The Horror Movie night, featuring “Don’t Knock Twice,” that took place on the spooky ‘Friday the 13th’ was also a hit, where youth and Youth workers got dressed up to suit the horror theme. The youth enjoyed the night so much that they would love to do another movie night soon. On the same night, they all celebrated one of the youth’s birthday’s which added to the excitement of the night.
Sami & Joe, NCNS Youth workers would like to commend all the youth that attended the July School Holiday Program for their respect for the staff, community and each other. Joe commented that “it was truly and enjoyable program.”
Check out photos of the program below or click here to go to the NCNS Youth Facebook Page.
Roller Blading
Reptile Park
Horror Movie Night “Don’t Knock Twice”
Fagan Park
Every year, our cultural tent at the NAIDOC Jamison Park event is an amazing cultural experience for all of those who attend the day and this year was no different. We created a spectacular display of photographs of our Aboriginal staff with the important women in their life honouring this year’s theme, “Because of her, we can!”
Tracie Harris educated the audience about Aboriginal Artefacts each painted with beautiful Aboriginal designs including:
- the Woomera – a spear thrower used to launch a spear at a greater speed and force than using the human arm – traditionally used by men
- the Coolamon – traditionally used by Aboriginal women to carry water, fruit, nuts and babies
- the Bullroarer – what Tracie describes as a ‘bush telephone’, used to communicate over great distances
- Clap sticks – as the name suggests, the sticks are used by striking one stick on another and used as a musical instrument traditionally accompanied by the didgeridoo
Children and community got to create their own necklaces using faux leather cord by threading it with assorted pieces of wood cuttings.
Larry Brandy amused the room with his storytelling, children gazing in wonder, enthused by his tales. Possum & Wallaby skins went around the room, so everyone got to feel the warmth they provided and giving children an insight into how Aboriginal Australians lived in the past.
Larry explained to the crowd that Aboriginal boys used to remain with their mother until they were 13 and then would join their fathers hunting. The men would use spears to kill animals but the boys, because of their agility and speed would chase the animals and club them in the head. Larry then rounded up the children; the girls put on masks becoming emus while the boys were given clubs and became hunters in a re-enactment of the story.
Larry then described how boomerangs were used to catch ducks. The men would throw boomerangs at the ducks on the water to make them think that it was a predator bird trying to attack, and as they scattered they would use their hand made nets to capture them. Again, Larry got the kids more involved by getting them up and acting it out.
Koomurri provided a cultural experience with a didgeridoo show, storytelling, artefacts, weaponry, Aboriginal song and dance, and Aboriginal face painting with white clay.
To end the day, we ran a “Because of her, we can!” Pamper session as a token of our appreciation and celebration of the significant role that Aboriginal women have played and continue to play in their communities.
We would like to thank Tracie Harris, Larry Brandy, Koomurri, the ladies who provided the pamper session, as well as all our our staff for their hard work and support in this year’s cultural tent. Thank you to all of the community that came along, participated, shared and celebrated Aboriginal culture with us. Lastly a massive shout out to Trudy Grant, our Aboriginal Community Coordinator who always organises and puts together all the pieces that make up our Cultural tent, it’s “Because of her, we can!”
The first 5 years of a child’s life are critical to their lifelong development. Giving your child the opportunity to form vital skills prior to starting school is crucial to their education. When a child does not have access to preschool it can be detrimental to their success at school. Preschool can facilitate growth in a child’s:
- Physical, motor development and health
- Social and emotional development
- Cognitive development
- Language development
Not only does preschool assist children with learning fundamental skills, preschool can also help to identify any delays with developmental milestones, recognise any learning difficulties and connect children with the appropriate services, making sure that they are not on the back foot when they begin school.
Parents can sometimes be unaware of the important role that preschool or early childhood centres play in a child’s development. This term, Carolyn & Amy from our early childhood team, ran an 8-week Aboriginal School Readiness Program at our Koolyangarra Aboriginal Child & Family Centre, aimed at introducing children and parents to school readiness in a culturally safe setting.
During the school readiness program, they focused on growing children’s basic skills such as; listening & language with stories, cognitive & fine motor skills, healthy eating with healthy lunch boxes, making healthy pizza, unwrapping cling wrap, opening packets by themselves, turn taking and sharing with other children.
At the end of the 8 weeks, the children graduated with hats, robes and certificates. Aren’t they totally adorable?
With this program we aim to help close the gap in Aboriginal children accessing preschool or early learning centres and ensuring they have the best chance to excel when they finally begin school.
To speak with our Early Childhood team, contact 02 4729 0442 or
In Term 2, girls from Braddock Public School came to the Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre after school to enjoy afternoon tea, engage in games as well as art and craft. The girls completed portraits of themselves, developed their own story books, meditated and made their own bath salts. The group was a safe and enjoyable space for the young girls to work together and develop lasting friendships outside of school.
This term saw the end of our Girls Group however brings new and exciting projects. NCNS Community Development Worker, Nada said “I have facilitated Girls Group for a year now and it has been an absolute pleasure. I have enjoyed becoming friends with all the young girls, yet I am very eager to see how they respond to the new Big Sister program that will run in Term 3. This is not goodbye to the girls rather I’ll see you at school.”
Nada will be facilitating the Big Sister program in term 3 on Wednesdays during school to support the girls through a life skills program. This program will incorporate concerns that were raised at our Keeping Children Safe workshops, where it was determined that girls in the year before high school faced challenges surrounding their identity, where they fit, and how to navigate changing friendships and relationships. We identified that some of the girls that may benefit from this program may have difficulty accessing activities after school, and so with the support of Braddock Public School, we will run the program at the school during school hours, when we can reach more students.
The Big Sister program aims to develop the girl’s life skills such as exploring relationships/friendships, understanding their feelings and position in families, developing communication skills, understanding who you can trust, and support systems.
This program will be focused on year 6 students, with a more hands on approach, giving girls support, building their resilience and independence.
Last September, child protection counsellors from Integrated Violence Prevention & Response Services (IVPRS) came out to our Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre to run a Talking about Trauma Workshop.
This workshop revealed that we had barely scraped the surface when talking about trauma. We had such a positive response to this workshop from the local community that we then developed a pilot project with IVPRS and started an 8 Week “Talking About Trauma Program” with Aboriginal families, with an extra week in the middle of the program for a pamper day!
The program allowed individuals to explore complex trauma, understand their triggers, promote self-awareness and be supported during this process.
By having this program run at the culturally safe space that is Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre, it allowed participants to be completely open, honest and comfortable sharing their own personal experiences.
We would like to thank Jem Maddox & Jenny Deighton Shapcott (Child Protection Counsellors) from IVPRS for being such amazing facilitators. You were highly skilled, professional, engaging, non-judgemental, and showed genuine empathy during the entire program and have made an impact on those dealing and living with the aftermath of complex trauma.
The ladies were each given a Native Kangaroo Paw Plant as a gift for completing the program. The plant represents their personal growth and progress.
This program is a pathway for us as NCNS workers to link families we are already connected with to long term specialised services. This is such an important partnership that will continue with plans to run another 9-week Trauma Program in Term 4.
The women who participated have continued supporting each other after completion of the program by sharing contact details to develop their own support group.
If you would like more information about this program please contact us on
Trauma Program Pamper Day
Last Thursday we invited community to help us create an edible garden at our Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre, after graciously being donated a garden bed and plants from Bunnings.
There were approximately four families who came along and helped build the garden. NCNS Staff were delighted to see families get involved in this project. Families and staff worked well together and enjoyed the day outside in the fresh air. Young children loved being able to get amongst the soil and place the various plants. Young people did an amazing job moving all the soil and installing the irrigation system.
It was so great to see children & young people, along with their families learning about and getting excited about gardening, as well as the different herbs and vegetables that they put into the garden.
We would like to especially thank Melody from Bunnings who worked alongside us, while educating community and staff about the different vegetables and herbs that were being planted. Our garden now contains broad beans, lettuce, rosemary and blueberry. We look forward to watching our edible garden flourish.
We have also had interest in our edible garden from people attending our Brekky Club which is exciting.
Thank you to the families who came along and participated in creating the garden. We really enjoyed spending the afternoon doing this together.
Come along to our Cranebrook Community Centre to check it out for yourself!
Would it surprise you to know that 1 in 4 children in Australia skip breakfast?
Some of the impacts of children going to school hungry can include:
- Difficulty concentrating in the classroom
- Lethargy
- Learning difficulties
- Behavioural problems
- Student can lose 2 hours a day of learning
- Impede student’s ability to reach full potential
This year community members, Doris & Renee, have been collecting cans to raise money and are donating the proceeds to our Breakfast Club.
Over 400 – 500 children attend our Brekky Club each week and with numbers constantly increasing, we are only just keeping up with demand.
Students are provided with cereal, fresh fruit, yogurt, ham & cheese toasties and poppers.
The donation money that Doris & Renee have raised so far has been put towards extra supplies allowing us to provide recess and poppers to children who may otherwise go without.
Community as well as our own NCNS staff have also been donating goods for kid’s recess. This is amazing and we would like to thank you all for your generous contributions. We always welcome donations, every bit helps feed children in the local area.
One single mum expressed gratitude for her children being able to attend Brekky Club. Struggling with a limited budget, this mum has been able to save $100 week due to not having to buy breakfast foods for her family. That money can now go towards clothes or other school supplies for her children.
We sat down with Doris & Renee to find out what inspired them to collect cans and donate the proceeds to our Brekky Club.
What made you think of collecting cans and donating the profits?
While speaking with a neighbour about the 10¢ cash back on cans, I recalled a conversation I had with Cathy about Brekky Club and recess for the kids.
Why did you choose to donate this money to our Brekky Club?
We have both always wanted to volunteer and were looking for the right organisation to help. As Cathy is a family member, we hear about all the work that she does at Brekky Club as well as the impact that it has on the children and felt that we wanted to help even more
How much money have you raised so far by collecting cans?
So far, since February 2018, we have raised $625
What is your process? Where/who do you get your cans from? Where do you take the cans?
We collect the cans/bottles from family members, friends and work colleagues then we take them to a collection centre near home. We do this twice a week.
How does donating money to help feed kids breakfast impact you on a personal level?
We feel that it is great to be able to help kids in need. Doris was a youth club dance and trampoline instructor and fundraising was a great part of this. It also involved many members of our family who took part as well.
Word of mouth has made our collection bigger and it just keeps growing.
NCNS would like to thank Doris and Renee for all their hard work and generous donations!
Brekky Club is a safe space for children to hang out and fuel their brains for the day ahead.
Students Caleb, Nicolas, Riley & Blake who regularly attend our Brekky Club wrote this beautiful note and left it on Cathy’s desk.
This is why we do what we do!
For more information about our Brekky Club or if you would like to donate please contact 02 4729 0442 or email
NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Department of Education, Office of Sport and the Heart Foundation. 2018. Importance of Breakfast. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2018].
Foodbank Australia. 2015. Foodbank finds Aussie school kids missing most important meal. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2018].
For the 8th year, Nepean Community and Neighbourhood Services (NCNS) will host the NAIDOC Cup for over 1,000 primary school children at Hunter Fields in Emu Plains on Friday, 22 June 2018 from 10.00am to 3.00pm.
The annual NAIDOC Cup event brings together over 1,000 primary school students from more than 20 schools in the Nepean region. 70% of the participants are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.
Back in 2010, Luke Roseworne attended the first NAIDOC Cup when he was just 11 years old. “It set me on my path. It was a great experience for kids who sometimes get overlooked,” says Luke. “The NAIDOC Cup gives kids an opportunity to express themselves on Darug lands and the whole community gets right behind it.”
Luke is now a full-time Program Manager with the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) at Western Sydney University at Kingswood where he mentors Indigenous young people to cross the bridge from high school to university. Luke remains involved with NAIDOC Cup and served as a referee for last year’s games. “A lot of people in our community make this event happen and so do the local primary schools, like Braddock and Kingswood. People have been involved in it for years.”
“If it wasn’t for the women in the community, this event would have never happened,” Luke said. “The women made sure all the young Indigenous kid’s stories could be heard and expressed through sport.” Luke has also been inspired by Nelson Mandela who said:
“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.”
Hunter Fields bustles with activity at the NAIDOC Cup. The school children vie for the Oz-Tag and netball shields in the junior and senior competitions when they are not playing, eating and celebrating and affirming culture and identity. The event is attended and opened by Aboriginal elders and smoking ceremony is held before the sports competitions beginning at 10.30am.
This year’s NAIDOC Cup coincides with NCNS’s 20th year of Aboriginal Service Delivery in the Penrith area. NCNS is a bicultural organisation with strong Aboriginal representation and staffing at all levels of the organisation. NCNS’s provides a range of services, including child and family health, mental health, youth services, health and community services. The organisation is well-known and respected for its innovative, best practice approach.
For more information about the NAIDOC Cup or NCNS services, contact Trudy Grant on mobile 0407 782 766.
Our Make Time Women’s Group are putting their time to great use! So far this year, the group have sewn over 40 bags that have been donated to local schools for literacy bags as well as care bags for women who have fled their home due to domestic violence.
The group consists of local women from Cranebrook who meet once a week to catch up, share stories, skills and it has become an important space for networking.
The bags have been made from donated materials, often from the women’s own homes with very little materials purchased.
The next project for our Women’s group is making chemotherapy bags for patients who have long term medication attached to themselves. Once completed the women will deliver the chemo bags to the oncology unit at Nepean Hospital.
The women always make sure to take time out for a walk, a coffee, and morning tea. New members and donations are always welcome!
Check under our community development tab for the most current flyer HERE.
After a recent foyer upgrade, Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre held an event to celebrate Neighbourhood Centre’s Week. Neighbourhood Centre’s Week is a nationwide initiative that celebrates the roles of Neighbourhood Centres in the community and this year’s theme was Belonging.
Community members started by meeting our community development workers Monica & Nada at the Cranebrook shopping centre where they were each given a passport.
They were then taken to our Cranebrook Neighbourhood Centre, following their passports and collecting stamps at each station of the tour discovering the new and exciting additions to the centre including a new community library, sewing machine and internet access that is available daily for the community to utilise.
On the day, the community had the opportunity to create their own scent bath salts, glitter tattoos, balloons, FREE plants to take away home with them and got to munch on some delicious toasties and muffins.
We even had a basketball game emerge in our yard with local youth and our youth worker Joe.
The day was a great opportunity to talk and network with our community as well as showcase the new additions to our foyer.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to our centre’s and we encourage you to come along to see what activities and facilities we have available.
Check out our What’s on for all of our centre’s calendars.
Check out our gallery for the day below:
Our school holiday program booked out in no time and was at capacity of 16 young people attending each day, with some new faces joining the crew which was great to see!
The first leg of our school holiday program was at our Youth Week Colour Run & Movie night at Sherringham Oval in Cranebrook, a fantastic day for all involved. The kids had a blast going through the different obstacles while getting covered in colourful dust and listening to music provided by a DJ on the day.
Over the next few days the kids got to attend Flip Out, Laser Tag, Don Bosco Foot Golf, Ryde Pools and finally Luna Park!
A highlight for our youth workers was seeing youth working so well as a team whilst trying to figure out the complex rules of Foot Golf. It was amazing to see our young people so united and focused on a common goal to figure out the rules of a game that they had never done before.
Check out photos below:
On Wednesday 18th April we had our Messy Play day which was a hit with all the kids! They got MESSY and had a lot of fun.
We are thrilled that we had 100 plus parents/carers & children/babies turn up for this event!
Parents comment on how involved the children are, and they would never have thought of doing this, and they will try it at home. Some examples of things parents have said they will go home and try are; making homemade play dough, using bi-carb of soda and vinegar to do simple science experiments, sensory play with flour, coloured rice play and the list goes on.
The great thing about this event is that the benefits become long-term, as ideas are taken into the home environment and used.
We had a parent come to our Messy Play day who stated that she came to some of our other events and was inspired and ran her own messy play birthday party day!
Check out the kids getting messy below:
This Tuesday 17th April we had our Youth Week Colour Run and Outdoor Movie night at Sherringham Oval in Cranebrook.
The activities, food, music and all the of the community members, young and old, made for a vibrant, fun day that everyone enjoyed. It was such an awesome day for our community as well as for all our staff.
Some young people did the Colour Run 5 and 6 times! The smiles and laughter were great to see and hear.
It was so awesome to see so many families spending time together
We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from you all and would like to thank you all for coming along and enjoying the day with us.
To all our volunteers and partners, it was great to have you there to support the event. Thank you to Lendlease – Jordan Springs, Barnardos, Platform Youth Services, Break Thru and Penrith City Council for their efforts.
The event would not have been possible with with-out DJ Matt, Airy Fairy Floss, Family Planning, Penrith Tyre Power and L & J Donner
We would also like to thank and acknowledge Cambridge Park Netball, Penrith District Netball Association, Cranebrook Football Club and AFL giants, who all volunteered their time and equipment to provide our kids the opportunity to try some sports.
Gallery below: