Aboriginal Men’s group was established, in partnership over 12 months ago in response to the lack of space for Aboriginal men to meet in the local area.
Our first gathering saw over 20 Aboriginal men come together to discuss the direction of the group and the importance of having space for men to meet and discuss ‘men’s business’ in a safe place.
Over 12 months on, the Aboriginal Men’s Group has been involved in many community events, including creating a Bush Tucker Garden, had guest speakers from targeted services to discuss issues affecting men, been out on fishing trips to Yarramundi and laid back yarns at the centre, finished with a group lunch each fortnight.
This group continues to grow and if you would like to be involved, please contact David on 4729 3907.
Aboriginal Men’s Group meet at Koolyangarra Aboriginal Family Centre Wednesday’s fortnightly from 10:30am-1pm.
I have just found out about my aboriginal heritage and would love to become a member of your group.
Hi James, Please feel free to contact our Kooly office on 02 4706 0280 🙂 Thanks, Rachel